get_stocks() allows you to quickly download stock indexes from the the Yahoo Finance without having to run for loops.

  from = "2010-01-01",
  to = Sys.Date(),
  periodicity = "daily",
  simplify = TRUE,
  otherwise = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE



A character vector with the stock tickers.


A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.


A date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.


One of: daily, weely or monthly.


If TRUE, a tibble is returned. If FALSE a list with two elements is returned:

  • result: with the downloads that succeeded;

  • error: with the stocks not covered by the Yahoo Finance.

The defaul is TRUE.


Argument passed to safely.


Argument passed to safely. A notification is showed whenever an error occurs. Default is TRUE.


A tidy tibble if simplify = TRUE and a list of two components if simplify = FALSE.

See also


# Get stocks from the Merval Stock Index (Argentina)
ticks <- get_tickers(merval)
get_stocks(ticks, periodicity = "monthly")
#> Warning: PESA.BA download failed; trying again.
#> Warning: TS.BA download failed; trying again.
#> Warning: APBR.BA download failed; trying again.
#> Warning: ERAR.BA download failed; trying again.
#> Warning: incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on ''
#> # A tibble: 1,153 × 8
#>    date       tickers  open  high   low close   volume adjusted
#>    <date>     <fct>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 2010-01-01 GGAL.BA  2.15  2.27  1.95  2.04 28709313     1.95
#>  2 2010-02-01 GGAL.BA  2.04  2.05  1.81  1.9  18485991     1.81
#>  3 2010-03-01 GGAL.BA  1.87  2.47  1.87  2.37 28977189     2.26
#>  4 2010-04-01 GGAL.BA  2.37  2.54  2.33  2.39 23021214     2.28
#>  5 2010-05-01 GGAL.BA  2.39  2.39  2     2.18 41753189     2.08
#>  6 2010-06-01 GGAL.BA  2.17  2.51  2.16  2.29 30309571     2.18
#>  7 2010-07-01 GGAL.BA  2.3   2.54  2.23  2.5  24744265     2.38
#>  8 2010-08-01 GGAL.BA  2.52  3.49  2.5   3.22 85268253     3.07
#>  9 2010-09-01 GGAL.BA  3.29  4.02  3.29  3.96 53190804     3.78
#> 10 2010-10-01 GGAL.BA  3.98  5.15  3.88  5.15 52487664     4.91
#> # … with 1,143 more rows